Swiss Ridge Kennels one of the first breeders of Goldendoodles wrote an excellent commentary on Goldendoodles here are just a few excerpts: Goldendoodles are a cross between two of the top five smartest dogs in the world – a golden retriever and a poodle. Goldendoodles are the ideal family dog, combining the clever, yet silly…
Category: Doodle Information
Interesting articles related to doodle dogs.
Doodle Generation Numbers
Goldendoodle Generation Number F1 Goldendoodles The first generation Goldendoodles and are identified with the letter and number F1. These are the product of a pure Golden Retriever which is bred with a pure Poodle. The result of this is 50% poodle and 50% Golden Retriever or Labrador Retriever. F1 Doodles are the traditional Doodle that…
What Does Hypoallergenic really Mean? If a breeder or someone tells you their dog is hypoallergenic, it means they are claiming their dog causes fewer allergic reactions than others. This does not mean it is allergy-proof. The dictionary definition from sums it up perfectly. hypoallergenic or hy·po-al·ler·gen·ic [hahy-poh-al-er-jen-ik] adjective designed to reduce or minimize the possibility of an allergic response, as by containing relatively few or no potentially irritating substances:hypoallergenic cosmetics. …